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One of the biggest issues, and causes of conflict for employers, is when employees don't know what's expected of them, or when they don't understand what behaviour is considered to be acceptable or not.


It's that lack of clarity which can lead to all sorts of problems, and which can easily escalate into something more serious. The time & resource it takes to deal with an issue can be significant, and the risk to an organisation's reputation, operational stability and financial position can be huge.


Also, employers have a number of obligations in ensuring the appropriate  behaviour of their employees. Some of those obligations are a legal requirement, and it's vital that organisations can show what steps have been put in place to ensure their employees behave as they should. Having a Code of Conduct will help.


With a Code of Conduct, there can be no ambiguity around your expectations. It's there in black & white, and is set out for everyone to see. 


It means that from day one, your employees will be aware of your expectations, boundaries & consequences, and they'll have a source of reference throughout their employment. It also means you'll have evidence of your efforts to ensure appropriate behaviour, especially if the Code of Conduct is actively used during induction and for additional training throughout the year.


We've put together a detailed Code of Conduct for small businesses who are perceived to be of low operational risk. It provides a manageable script for line managers, with a clear layout for employees. To maximise the effectiveness of the Code of Conduct, we would recommend it be used as an active resource and point of discussion throughout the year.


Once purchased, we shall add your Company details and then issue you with either a pdf or hard copy format. Please allow 4 working days for delivery.


If you would like the document to feature your own branding, please contact us for a separate quotation.


Some organisations, depending on their activity and perceived risk, might need a more bespoke product. If this is something you would be interested in exploring, please contact the helm team:



Code of Conduct

  • Please note, the Code of Conduct has been produced in good faith, with the aim of helping small businesses who would be categorised as being general and of low operational risk.

    Regulated organisations, or those of a specialised category, or which would be seen to be of a higher operational risk, may need alternative documentation & resources relevant to their field of activity & risk

     In no way should any of the content within the Code of Conduct be considered to be legal advice. 

    Employers are responsible for ensuring the document remains up to date and in accordance with relevant employment and business law.

    We can accept no responsibility for any changes that might be made to the document once purchased, or for any consequence of such changes.


  • All prices shown are inclusive of VAT at the standard rate.

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