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Happy diverse colleagues have fun at lun
Wooden signpost with four arrows - HR Support Services

Why helm?

The aim of helm is to make all the 'people stuff' so much easier, and to take the hassle out of people management.


What you won't find with helm are endless theories,

or pages full of corporate jargon; just practical,

down to earth help & support.


There won't be lengthy or complicated service contracts for you to be tied into, just flexible, straightforward options.


And, being a small but professional business,

we have a realistic approach to pricing.


With helm, what you will find is a reassuring level of confidence and support, which is always within reach.

helm Vision

"Amazing things can happen in a
workplace where people are fully engaged and giving their best, and where there's fantastic leadership at the helm".


Not only is there a proven and direct link to profitability, but the benefits reach into
every element of an organisation, its people
and beyond.
Our aim is to make a positive difference to workplaces, by giving smaller organisations
access to valuable resources
 and practical help.
Our Vision, is for positive workplaces to be the
norm, where individuals, organisations and communities can thrive.

​"the economic and social influence of a positive workplace can never be overvalued"

Louise Moseley

Superhero child - positive leadership
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